Monday, April 20, 2015

Black Out Course

This past weekend our first years went through the black out course, an annual tradition of training for black water dives. Each diver had to make there way through the pool in a blacked out mask. With the guidance of the older students, along with Mark and Jason, our DSO, each newbie made it through. Following the day of diving, the group got together to reminisce about the days experiences and about others experiences in the course. Now it's on to open water training, and field school in Costa Rica.

Thanks to Mark and Jason, along with the guardian angel divers, for making sure our first years are trained for the future.

Photogrammetry Workshop

To close out the workshops hosted by MSA this school year, Mateusz Polakowski taught a group of eager students about photogrammetry and 3D computer imaging. Matt took time out of his busy schedule to show how to construct a 3D image from photographs overlaid on one another in 123D. This program not only allows for measurements to be taken from the images, but also to provide an interactive image for public outreach.

Thanks Matt for all your help!